Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hills Course Conditions Update

Hills Course Conditions Update


I wanted to take this opportunity to update the membership on a couple areas on the course.




We are currently mowing the roughs at 2”.  An interesting note about our course is that holes 1-18 have common Bermuda grass and Holes 19-27 have 419 Bermuda grass.  With that said, it is important to know the differences between these two types of Bermuda grasses.  Common Bermuda grass is not very dense, meaning it is more wiry because all the leaf blades are on the tops of the shoots.  This causes the golf ball to drop to the bottom when it comes to rest.  The Common Bermuda makes it harder for golfers to locate their golf ball and slow play down.  Even when the grass is freshly cut, the ball still drops down out of site.  As for the 419 Bermuda grass, it is a high-density turf that allows the ball to sit up on the plant better and is more visible and easier to locate due to more densely located leaf blades throughout the plant shoots.


In addition, we are also implementing new out of play native/natural areas in the roughs.  In these areas we are letting the Bermuda grass grow up naturally and create a native type look and height.  These areas will not be mowed, but we will be maintaining and controlling the weeds in these areas.  This is going to add a new dynamic to the course and it also allows the mowers to get around to the playable areas more frequently, keeping our roughs at a more consistent height.






Due to the amount of rain we have had this spring and early summer, the greens are very healthy.  We have a very dense and deep root system for this time of year.  This causes the growth to be more rapid and for the leaf blades to be larger and more dense.  This is a good thing for the overall health of the greens, but does create a slower ball speed when it comes to playability.  We are applying a growth regulator product to help speed up the putting surface.  We will also be performing light topdressing of sand once per week to help firm up the canopy of the plant and allow a harder surface, which will increase ball speed.  The healthy anddense turf we currently have will help in reducing the effects of compaction due to the amount of rounds that are played on a weekly basis.  We will also be rolling the greens more frequently to also encourage a little more ball speed on the greens.    


As always thank you for your patience and consideration as we work to improve the course on a daily basis.


Dan Boley, GCS

Stonebridge Ranch CC-Hills Course

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Leak! Leak! Leak!

With the last freeze dropping into the low 20's it not only caused ice to form but it also caused pipes to break. On #26 just past the bridge, even with the front tee's we had an 8" main line blow out the cart path. We had to remove two sections of the cart path that had been lifted up and shifted to the point of cracking. Once we exposed the pipe we found out that the Polly pipe had expanded and shrunk due to the freezing and thawing of the main line causing the 8" Polly pipe to flex itself out of a mechanical coupler. We have fixed the problem and have back filled the hole. We will need to allow time for settling and for the soil to seat into place before we can get the cart path repaired. I asked that you please bare with us during this process and we will have it back to normal in no time. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

New look at the driving range!!

We put all new poles on the target greens on the driving range.  We went with a bigger pole and painted them black and white. With new flags and a Smarty Laser Prism on the top.  These new poles really give a nice upscale look to the range!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Signs, Signs, & Signs!!

We care so much about the details that we are giving our personal touch to all the signage from the course and hand painting them so they look as good as possible!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015